Aims of the association
Our project seeks to contribute to the qualification of Southern Sudanese
refugees, in order to strengthen the capacity of local experts in Sudan
and Ethiopia and reduce dependency on foreign donors. We are sponsoring
Southern Sudanese who are feeling responsible for their community and feel
motivated and ready to support socially integrative development.
The study association enables Sudanese refugees to attain a College or
vocational training degree in Ethiopia. At the same time it puts great
value on developing the idea of social responsibility.

Working methods and structure of the association
From the German side the project is sponsored by the Studienwerk
Sudan e.V. The association was founded by Christiane Falge in July 2002 and
is recognized as a non-profit organization based in Halle/Saale. The members
constitute of Germans and Ethiopians who are financially supporting the
association. Through telecommunication and personal contacts they are
keeping in close contact with the scholars in Ethiopia.